This gal has it going on! Ceara is young with the world at her finger tips, has an outgoing personality and HAIR for days. It was such a pleasure photographing Ceara at our beautiful City’s lake front in sunny St Cloud, Florida.

Because of the area and location, we had to shoot bright and early. Using off camera flash allowed for some really great shots that simply cannot be done with the camera alone.

Ceara is so much more than my talented model for today’s shoot and more than just a pretty face, with AMAZING HAIR (I know, I know I said that already) she is an artist too. I encourage you to check out her Instagram Page and check out her work. I will post her page shortly.
I positioned the OCF with a 31 inch octagon diffuser 45 degrees to the left of the camera on most of the shots with a few of the flash settings at 90 degrees. I always start out at a 1/4 power and go up or down in power from there with my camera settings as follows: ISO100, SS 1/125/ F4.

In the photo below, we used the flash at 45 degrees and allowed the sun to backlight Ceara’s hair for a lovely backlit shot.
Not to many models can pull off very straight look without adding curves and photographic poses BUT CEARA can!

I hope you have enjoyed this mini blog session and if you have any questions, please let me know.